Team Working

Effective teams really work. That doesn’t happen by chance…

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”. – Henry Ford

We will not have you running around a forest shooting one another, or trying to build a miniature Empire State Building out of thousands of matchsticks. What we do is more bespoke and is designed to have a profound and lasting impact on the team’s performance.

Our approach to team development usually centres round a series of half-day workshops. The frequency with which the team meets, and the interval between workshops depends on a number of factors – whether the team is perceived to be dysfunctional, how long the team has been working together, and the urgency with which team performance needs to be addressed.

Before bringing the team together for the first workshop an assessment is conducted. This usually includes amongst other tools, questioning key team members, and observing the team in action.

Sometimes a single intervention is sufficient. But experience tells us, changing attitudes and behaviours usually requires a few team meetings.

We have helped newly created teams work optimally, and dysfunctional teams get back on track.

For more information on this, or any of our other services call Dr Angela Pirrie on: 0845 119 2990 or email us at